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About Us

Why Choose Us?

We create an outdoor space that is truly yours!

Our established systems allow us to deliver industry-leading landscape designs with boulder retaining walls and so much more

We provide you with the utmost in creativity, quality, and customer service. When we provide for landscape designs with boulder retaining wallsOur unique approach to create an outdoor living space that reflects your personality. We work with a select group of landscape contractors, water feature and lighting design specialists to ensure the garden design process, from initial concept to project completion, is smooth and seamless. Boulder Images Inc. has always focused on one thing: customer satisfaction. We deliver that satisfaction through our comprehensive range of experts in the design of boulder retaining wall services, both residential and commercial.

Specialized Equipment

Large heavy equipment

Unique projects like ours (landscape designs with boulder retaining walls), require specialized equipment. We have highly customized hydraulic excavators that operate like an extension of our artist’s hands. Our two main boulder artists have a combined 55 years of experience creating natural beauty, the most in the industry. Plus, we choose to operate track machines, making damage to drives and roadways avoidable. When you choose to work with us, take a day or two off – it’s like watching the Michelangelo of Rock create a new masterpiece! Or if your situation requires saving your home from a mudslide or a failed timber/stone wall that is old and needs to be replaced with a drainage system and new wall we can help.

Committed to being the best…naturally

Whether you’re looking for a large backyard restoration, a landscape design with boulder retaining walls, or a small and welcoming front walkway, our design process steps will ensure your satisfaction. No matter your budget it’s often surprising the amount of work and design/features that we can do to make your space special to you. See more of our projects that you might enjoy


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large retaining wall
Large Boulder retaining wall

FREE Consultation – Contact Us

Bring Nature Into Your Home


    Apple Valley Minnesota, Ph: 651-322-7499